Today is 7. 12. 2024, name day of Ambrož/BenjamínČesky | English

počítadlo přístupů

Quick contact

  • Mgr. Martin Kopecký
  • tel: +420 608 861 283
  • fax: +420 286 587 757
  • e-mail: kopeckymartin [at]
  • Nový web:

I want start dance

I want start dance

It is easy!!!

  • how - make a group of your friends and get better price 250,-/person!

  • when - call or email for arrange free time and day!


  • what - tango argentino or basic for a ball


  • where - dance studio Sokolovská 22 near metro Florenc


  • for - beginners, couples



You will get, what you need! Right time, right people and safe money!

Picking from photogallery