Today is 27. 7. 2024, name day of VěroslavČesky | English

počítadlo přístupů

Quick contact

  • Mgr. Martin Kopecký
  • tel: +420 608 861 283
  • fax: +420 286 587 757
  • e-mail: kopeckymartin [at]
Buy dance voucher

Buy dance voucher

Make surprise with nice present - buy 1100,- Kč, 2200,- Kč 3300,- Kč voucher for dance lesson or any other open course!

  • how: email us amount czk should be on voucher

  • when: voucher will be send to you immediately when we will get payment

  • where: to your email or contact address you'll notice in email

  • when go dance: call or email to arrange time, voucher is valid 6 months

  • how to pay: transfer amount czk to 35-5800870277/0100 VS your mobile

We are looking forward to see you!

Picking from photogallery