Today is 19. 9. 2024, name day of ZitaČesky | English

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  • Mgr. Martin Kopecký
  • tel: +420 608 861 283
  • fax: +420 286 587 757
  • e-mail: kopeckymartin [at]
Tango Argentino

Tango Argentino

Tango is based on communication between partners....  Communication we can call some move action and the reaction in a dance couple.

This world phenomenon we can find almost everywhere. Tango dancers are meeting in tango events called Milonga, where they dance between each other.

If you know dance tango, you can go to Milonga and dance with others! In Prague is Milonga very popular and you can find it almost every night!

Sign up to our non massive basic course for real beginners!

  • how start - it's easy you can sign up to our new course or you can make a group of friends, call +420608861283 and arrange time and day


  • what - philosophy, basic principes and moves

  • where - dance studio Sokolovská 22 near Florenc

  • costs 1250,-/person/4 lessons

  • need - second shoes, english speaking

  • for who - beginners, couples



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